Of course you can't do that to a 100%, that would just be too crazy.
Take me for example, I would spend every little penny on travelling. And that's just not realistic ;)
But we really should do it as much as possible.
If you're wondering why I'm writing in english this time, it's because I just got stuck in it. I spent the whole weekend speaking english in Älmhult. Visiting Sidney and Shalini with the company of two other lovely guys, Oscar and Abdul.
We just had such a great time and I wish everybody would have the privilege to meet people as beautiful as these ones. I'm one lucky girl. Other people who needs to be mentioned are Chris and Malin. Just wonderful.
To make the story short: Dancing, talking, laughing, joking, good food, 12 tequila shots, "the tequila team", LOTS OF BEER HAHA, photoshoot, and just lots lots lots of love :) And I'm just gonna add one more thing: Summerjam, here we come baby.
I love my friends in Malmö. And I like Malmö as a city. But when I go to see my family in Stockholm or other friends in other cities I'm starting to wonder if this is the right place for me. I miss so many people. The whole days and weeks and months I'm missing people. It's so sad but still I thank God for giving me all these people to miss.
I wish we all could just agree of one city that we'd all move to. Even in some other (warm) country if you'd like. But a problem with that is that all of my friends aren't friends with eachother, you know. So whatever happens I'm still gonna miss several friends. But still.. is Malmö the place for me? Tough question.
Wow... I haven't written this much in english since those weird english-lessons in school. Haha!
I bet I suck as well, my excuses.
There's extremely much that I don't know right now but I know one thing and that's that I'm going to bed in.... 1 minute. Bye!
