It feels like I've been in a coma and I just woke up, kind of. So much has happened and now when I look back it almost feels surrealistic. People are very weird in general, and some are absolutely wonderful. SOME.
The winter is over and the spring is here, not only in swedish weather but also in my life, if you know what I mean. The darkness has passed and the light is coming. At least that's how it feels and I hope my feelings are right. Cos I sure am sick of the darkness!
I have changed as a person. Maybe that's why the past feels a bit surrealistic. It's not like I'm a whole new person... But my brain has changed a bit. Haha.
I love my grandfather more than anything in this world. That's why I'm gonna stay with him. But if he wasn't here, I'd leave. When? I don't know. To where? I don't know. For how long? I don't know. I just know I'd leave. I want something new. Meet new people and see new places. A trip would be nice... to a warm country. Aaaaaah.
But society is tough. It's pretty much fucked up. Or more like... Completely beyond fucked up. This government could suck my balls if I had any. But let's not get into that.... I'd probably end up writing a book....
All in all I like my new brain lol and I'm curious about where this new life will take me. Wow.. that sounded deep. But I feel very... "happy" is the wrong word, although I'm not UNhappy, but peaceful fits better. Yep... Peaceful it is!
And I think BIG. I thought I did before but I appearently didn't. Cos now I do. But who knows.... maybe this is tiny compared to how I will think in the future :O Interesting!
